
Welcome to CareConnect eReferrals

In 2012, across the Auckland Metro region, our GPs swapped pen and paper for mouse and keyboard to manage their referrals.

Referrals are a critical part of the patient journey, enabling doctors to work together to provide the patient with the right care at the right time.

A large variety of paper based processes are used to refer patients to hospitals for outpatient appointments. Despite the best intentions and systems, paper gets lost or mixed up and there have been cases where this had had a serious effect on the care of patients.

Waitemata, Counties Manukau and Auckland District Health Boards have introduced a system to enable referrals to be sent electronically to the public hospitals in the Auckland region, improving quality of care for patients.

The aim of the eReferrals project is to ensure patients in the Auckland region are referred to the right service, with the right information at the right time, and receive the right response.

eReferrals improve information transfer between primary care and secondary care providers by increasing legibility and accuracy of referrals and reducing errors that occur through incomplete information or lost referrals.